Friday, October 21, 2011

Rob Gronkowski's Porn Star Buddy Missed Calling as Sports Agent


BiBi Jones is a national sensation. That fact gets far more intriguing when you consider the reason is that she was a party to some very benign pictures. All of this makes me scratch my head as I wonder why she didn't go into a slightly more reputable field of work: sports agent.
We have heard all the angles concerning the scandal that rocked Patriots nation this week. Rob Gronkowski had the gall to snap off some pictures of him and porn star BiBi Jones.
When hearing all the buzz, I was just as shocked as you to find the pictures were rather dull compared to the fallout that took place. The tight end has since apologized, yet the buzz has failed to wear off for Jones.
A porn star that nobody but a few depraved souls had heard of is enjoying A-list fame at the moment. I was intrigued to find that this is not even close to her first foray into the sports world.
According to multiple reports by The Business Insider, Jones has been around the sports block before, and in a helpful way...sort of.
Terry Bross is an agent for Gaylord Sports Management, and according to Jones, the one that used her to woo potential clients after Arizona Diamondbacks games.
Well, there you go. Her dream came true and Bross, no doubt, had some very happy potential clients. I am not naive enough to think this is an isolated incident.
It's safe to assume the same kind of perks are bandied by other agencies. But why didn't Jones just cut out the middle man? I make that comment in jest.
It takes years of schooling and experience to become an agent comfortable with the myriad of documents and legalese, but Jones is missing the boat here.
She has taken Gronkowski, an athlete that was only known by fantasy owners, and made him a household name.
 Rob Gronkowski
That kind of publicity has some value in the PR world, well, minus the initial scandal of course. All of this points to just one assumption, we have not heard the last of Jones.
It's clear that she loves athletes. This is only the beginning as a nation that feeds off rumors clamors to find out which sports stud she will befriend next.
When she does, that will again be national news. Someone pay this girl for her efforts as a celebrity hype machine. The woman is doing wonders right now. I never thought Rob Gronkowski would be headline news—ever.
rob gronkowski pictures
  Rob Gronkowski.  <3 I love him so much.
And our love isn’t even cougarish. He’ll be 22 for the next season. Three years. Psssh.
Rob Gronkowski - The Wahlberg brothers open a burger joint

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