Thursday, February 26, 2009

Adam Lambert reaching in the top 12

Adam Lambert is a performer, he plays in musicals, the stage has no secrets for him. Since he lives in Hollywood, when he won his golden ticket he said:" I'm going back home".
adam lambert
I did find his performance to be too theatrical for my taste, I know it's due to his background but yet it judges didn't sound right for American Idol. I really didn't think he was a great fit but I'm not one of the judges and maybe America will like him. He still has at least one more chance to convice let's see if he'll make the best out of it.
adam lambert top 12 american idol
You can watch Adam Lambert's audition below

As you can see from his audtion he seems able to sing technically and since he has been performing in front of audiences for a while he shouldn't suffer too much from the pressure or any form of stage fright when he will have to perform live. Unless he chooses a song that is completely wrong for him he should be one of the three to secure a spot in the top 12. In fact I find that they put him in a group with many of the lesser-known people. I'm not saying that the others are not vocally capable but simply that we don't know much of their stories to actually "care enough" whether they make it to the top 12 or not. There are maybe two or three people that don't fall into that category but no more than that. And again, not many of the judge's favorites are included in this group also.

It almost seems like the first group was built in such a manner that it would inevitably eliminate many of the people that were announce as strong contestants even before they showed them auditioning. So much for those early predictions.

Adam Lambert has this kind of gothic look with the eyeliner and black nail polish, I wouldn't call him emo but.... Look at him in this picture below, he looks like a vampire, quite scary if you ask me... I think he should tone down the gothic look a little otherwise he won't go to far because if he is not willing to tone down his looks he probably won't tone down his performances either. America is looking for a pop star not a goth star at least not for now.

You can watch Adam Lambert's top 36 performance video below. He sings Satisfaction from the Rolling Stones

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